
Holiday Clothing

New Year's Clothing Care Resolutions I will:

  • Follow clothing care instructions and will not remove clothing care labels.
  • Air out my clothes, remove all jewelry or pins, empty pockets and inspect for stains before putting them away.
  • Keep hair spray, perfume and lotions away from coming in contact with my clothes, as they can cause stains.
  • Immediately blot, not rub stains and treat them quickly and properly, so they don't set permanently.
  • Clean matching sets, such as suits and sweaters, at the same time to maintain color consistency.
  • Repair small problems, such as a loose seam opening, right away.
  • Avoid crowding clothes in my closet, so they do not wrinkle unnecessarily.
  • Use good quality hangers to support my clothes and keep them in shape.
  • Fold knits and place in a drawer or on a shelf.
  • Remove my clothes from the plastic bags from the drycleaner as they can trap moisture and cause damage.
  • Clean my seasonal clothing before storing, so the insects won't have a feast.
  • Store my seasonal clothes in an area with proper air ventilation, moisture control and light exposure.
  • Recycle wire hangers and plastic bags at Anton's recycling center.